Keyboard shortcuts
•Press the "spacebar" to pause or resume the playback of the animated GIF loaded;
•Press the "right arrow" to load the next GIF file, in alphabetical order, from the currently loaded file folder;
•Press the "left arrow" to load the previous GIF file, in alphabetical order, from the currently loaded file folde;
•Press + or scroll the mouse wheel up to enlarge;
•Press - or scroll the mouse wheel down to shrink;
•Press DEL to delete the loaded GIF file;
•Press CTRL+"spacebar" to start or stop a Slideshow;
•Press CTRL+"right arrow" to view the next frame in the animated GIF file;
•Press CTRL+"left arrow" to view the previous frame in the animated GIF file;
•Press CTRL+"up arrow" to speed up the animation;
•Press CTRL+"down arrow" to slow down the animation;
•Press CTRL+W to resize the animation to fit the window;
•Press CTRL+Z to resize the animation to 100%;
•Press CTRL+R to rewind the current GIF file animation;
•Press CTRL+S to save the current frame;
•Press CTRL+SHIFT+S to save all animation frames;
•Press CTRL+P to print the frame displayed on the screen;
•Press CTRL+I to display the loaded GIF file properties;
•Press CTRL+F or ALT+ENTER to toggle full screen mode;
•Press CTRL+H to hide or show the toolbar;
•Press CTRL+T to toggle window feature "always on top";
•Press CTRL+B to change the background color of 7GIF's window;
•Press CTRL+U to check online for new 7GIF updates;
•Press CTRL+A to display the advanced settings window of 7GIF;
•Press CTRL+7 to show information about 7GIF.