7GIF Survey
Thank you for partecipating in our survey, your help is really appreciated!

(1/18) • Are you new to 7GIF, or have you already used 7GIF in the past?

(2/18) • Where did you learn about 7GIF?

(3/18) • Did you read (or watched a video) about 7GIF before installing it?

(4/18) • Which type of download package is your favorite?

(5/18) • How do you keep up with the latest version of 7GIF?

(6/18) • Which update schedule would you prefer?

(7/18) • Were 7GIF supported by one of these methods of advertisement, would you still use it?

(8/18) • What do you think is the best feature of 7GIF?

(9/18) • Would you suggest 7GIF to a friend?

(10/18) • If you could suggest a feature for 7GIF what would it be?

(11/18) • If you could change something of 7GIF, what would you change?

(12/18) • Would you buy a mobile version of 7GIF for 1$?

(13/18) • Have you ever considered making a small donation?

(14/18) • If you haven't made a donation, could you tell us why?

(15/18) • Have you ever visited Xtreme-LAb's main web site?

(16/18) • Did you find our web site easy to navigate?

(17/18) • Did you know about our other free products like: GFXplorer, Thumbs Remover, InFile Seeker and XtremeMark?

(18/18) • Did you know we also make games like Freeway Survival?

Anti-Spam question: type the result as a single digit number.
What does 2+3 equal to?

Privacy notice: in additions to your answers and suggestions, this survey will send to us the name and version of the Web Browser and Operating System you are using.
No information about you, your user account, your location, the applications installed on your system, your system's hardware components, your recently viewed web pages, favorite web sites, IP address or any other private data or means to identify you, will be send to us.
We value your privacy.
The information you are sharing with us will be exclusively used by us to improve our applications.
If you'd like to get in touch with us, please use our contact form.

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